Club Expectations

BSC COACHES Expectations*
  • Come to training prepared with ideas to guide your players.
  • Encourage players to be creative and try new things.
  • Be a role model for your players inside and outside of the fields and provide a safe and healthy environment for players to develop as a person and as a soccer player.
  • Show respect and courtesy to referees, players, coaches and parents.
  • Be consistent in what you say and how you treat individuals and team.
  • Organize groups to guarantee fun and challenge for every player. Support their being independent and responsible for themselves.
BSC PLAYERs Expectations *
  • Be at the field on time and make sure you are rested and in uniform for each game and practice.
  • Support your coach and follow his/her rules and games ideas being ready to focus on your coach’s instructions while at practices and games.
  • Show respect and courtesy to referees, opponents, coaches, and parents regardless winning or losing games.
  • Always do your best and help your teammates get better through positive encouragement.
  • Have fun and make it a fun environment for your teammates.
BSC PARENTs Expectations *
  • Understand team schedules and obligations. Have your child at the field at the expected time, rested and dressed.
  • Cheer in a positive manner. Applaud quality play by all players. Avoid negative criticism and giving instructions and attempting to coach from the parent’s sideline.
  • Show respect and courtesy to referees, opposing players, coaches and parents.
  • Accept the results of each game and encourage your child to be gracious, regardless of the game outcome.
  • Pay club and team fees in accordance with required schedules

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