Possession Drills
Possession Game #1
Set Up: 6v3
Make a rectangle or square and 3 different teams with 3 players in each team.
Drill: The game is always 6 attacking and 3 defending (two teams play together and one team defend). Example above: black and blue against the white. If the white team steals the ball from black team, now black defend against blue and white. Whoever loses the ball, defend.
Progression 1: Limit number of touches in the ball. Start with 3, and then change to 2.
Coaching points:
- Move to empty space
- Pass and move
- Good passes
- Heads up
- Watch the game before receiving the ball
Possession Game #2
Set Up: 4v2
Separate 3 teams with 4 players in each inside
Drill: The game will always be 4v2 inside a square, as showed above. Example: play red vs black with 2 black players defending and two black players in the middle. The goal of the red team is changing X number of passes and try to pass the ball to the other square (white team) and the goal of the black team is to either steal the ball from the red team or intercept the pass from the them, in case they complete the X passes. If the red team passes the ball to the white team, the two players that were defending go to the rectangle, and two new black players will be defender against the white team.
Progression 1: Now the goal of the team that is defending is to steal the ball pass it to the other side. If they steal it and can’t pass the ball, they still defending
Coaching points:
- Good ball possession
- Pass and move
- Support
- Heads up
- Watch the game before receiving the ball
Possession Game #3
Set Up:
3 vs 3 plus 4 players outside
Drill: It´s a 3 vs 3 game, with 4 players outside, and the goal is to keep the ball away from the opponents, using the outside players to help.
The outside players can´t receive the ball. They need to pass it right away.
Coaching Points:
-Show up to receive the ball
-Look up to pass
-Pass and move
-First touch pass
Possession Game #4
Set Up:
Two halfs, 6 vs 6 with one team attacking and the other one deffending (six players attacking, three deffenders inside the half, two deffenders outside waiting the ball and one deffender in the other half).
Drill: The game starts with six players attacking, and the goal is to keep the ball away from the three deffenders. When the deffenders get the ball, they need to pass to one of the players outside, and when he receives it, will pass to the player in the other half. As soon as the defender in the other side receives the ball, the attacking team becomes deffense.
Progression: Two touches on the ball to the team that has the ball
Coaching Points:
-Get open
-Pass and move
-Ask for the ball
-Show up to play
Possession Game #5
Set Up: Two halves, 6 vs 6 with one team attacking and the other one defending (six players attacking, three defenders inside the half, two defender's outside waiting the ball and one defender in the other half).
Drill: The game starts with six players attacking, and the goal is to keep the ball away from the three defenders. When the defenders get the ball, they need to pass to one of the players outside, and when he receives it, will pass to the player in the other half. As soon as the defender in the other side receives the ball, the attacking team becomes defense.
Progression: Two touches on the ball to the team that has the ball
Coaching Points:
-Get open
-Pass and move
-Ask for the ball
-Show up to play
Possession Drill *6* (4 goals):
Progression/variations: add neutral player, limited touches, number of passes to score a point or a goal, advantage of players.
Encourage: All the players touching the ball, pass and move, create line passes, check-in in the middle.
Coaching Points: Pass and move, quickly passes, scan the field, switch the field, be a option, connect passes.
Drill Objective: 4 goals, two teams. One team must complete a number of passes to score a point and the other team have 4 goals to score a point.
Possession Drill *7* (Finding Number 9):
Progression/Variations: Limited touches, add Neutral player, number of passes before find number 9, advantage of players, number 4 and 9 as target to keep the possession and switch field.
Encourage: Pass and move, move to create space, quickly decisions with the ball, Use the safe zone (number 4) if you need, connect more passes, switch positions, communicate, give and go, through passes.
Coaching Points: Pass and move, quickly passes, play negative when you need, switch positions and communicate to create space, be a option, avoid long passes.
Drill Objective: 2 safe zones (number 4 and number 9). Players must try to connect passes (starting from number 4) and find number 9 to score a point.
If the other team touch the ball or steal it, players must pass to number 4 to restart. If the ball goes out, restart from coach passing to a number 4.