Rondo drills
Rondo Drill #1
Set Up:
Make a circle with all players and two in the middle to be defense
The goal is pass the ball without lose it. If the defense steals it, changes with who lost it.
1- If the defense intercept a pass, the player who lost it plus the player on your right go to the middle
2- Two touches on the ball to the players in the circle
Coaching Points:
-Quick passes
-Ask for the ball
-Cover him
-Press the ball
Rondo Drill #2
Set Up:
Make two circles with all players. One with two defenses ando ne without defense.
The goal is complete three passes and pass the ball to the other circle. If the defense intercept or steal it, change with who lost it.
Increase the number of passes according to the level of the game
Coaching Points:
-Quick passes
-Ask for the ball
-Cover him
-Press the ball
Rondo Drill #3
Set Up:
Make as many squares as you need, according to the number of players, and send five players to each square: one in each side of it, and one in the middle, to be defense.
The goal is keep the ball without the defense intercept the pass. Players can move side to side, without leave their zones. When they complete 10 passes, the defense has to do 10 jumping-jacks. If the defense steal the ball, switch position with who missed the pass.
Decrease number of passes
Coaching Points:
-Move to receive it
-Ask for the ball
-Think fast
Rondo Drill #4
Set Up:
Make three squares and send four players to two and three to one. Two of three squares will have a defense, and the last one, no.
The goal is keep the ball without the defense steal it. Players will always have an empty space to go, becoming an option. If the defense steal the ball, the player who lost it has to go to the square without defense, to become one.
Coaching Points:
-Move to the empty space
-Ask for the ball
-Show up
-Press the ball
Rondo Drill #5
Set Up:
Make as many squares as you need, according to the number of players, then send seven players to each one: the attacking team will have five players, and the deffending team just two. There´ll be one from the attacking team in each side of the square and one positioned in the middle, while the two defenses play in the middle.
The goal is the attacking players connect a pass in the middle player. They can move side to side, without leave their zones. If complete the gol, defenders have to do 10 jumping-jacks. If one of the defenders steal the ball, he´ll switch position with who lost it.
If the attacking team complete six passes or connect a pass in the middle player, defenses have to do 10 jumping-jacks.
Coaching Points:
-Quick passes
-Stay in the zone
-Get close
-Ask for the ball
Rondo Drill #6
Set up: We gonna make a square (12m x 12m) split in two halves, and two gates one on each side of this square, and 10 soccer balls
Drill: basically we play 3v1 on each half and as soon the ball are regain or get out of the box all those 3 players have to sprint to the gate and get back to square, the last player arrive at the square will be next defender in another side.
Coaching point:
- Quickly pass
- High pressure
- Quickly reaction
Rondo drill #7
Set Up: We gonna need two squares (10m x 10m), and 8 soccer balls
Drill: we gonna play 4v2 keep away and one of the square and right after we complete 2 or 3 passes we allowed to transfer the ball to another square where we already will have a player to receive the first pass, defender should transition quickly and pressure the ball as soon as possible
Coaching point:
- Find space to pass between the lines
- Quickly pass
- High pressure
- Quickly reaction
Rondo #8
Set up: Make a square 16x16 yards in the middle of the field
Drill: Play 4v2 inside that square and the goal of those who have possession is to exchange X numbers of passes and if they do that they make an offensive transition 3v2 in the direction of the goal. remembering that always someone from the attack and defense has to stay inside the square
.Put more passes before go to the transition
. Play 4v3 transition with everyone playing
Coaching points:
. Create passing lines
. Pass and move giving a passing option back
. Anticipate the play before receive the ball
Rondo #9
Set up: Make a Square 12x12 yards with 4 cones on each corner of the square
Drill: Simple rondo 4v2 but with the player who receives the ball having to enter the square to connect the pass to another athlete and he goes to the line where he gave the pass. If the defender steal the ball he changes with who missed the ball
Coaching points:
. Quality first touch
. Heads up to see where the pression is coming
. Good passes
. Find a open player